Phew, it’s been quite a busy month, especially because I have something else very big running on the side and doing a marketing and business course, but more on that in another post.
So I thought I update a bit on what I have been making for Kylee, but I don’t think I can show too much at this stage as it’s not finished yet and because I don’t really want to steal the thunder for her collection, so it will be mainly sketches.
Kylee’s collection will be based on the dangers of the jungle, with a special focus on …. SNAKES. I loved the idea when I heard it and was all into it. Her collection colours will reflect this too, so there will be a lot of green, black, red and yellow going on.
What I was asked to create was 2 snake designs which will then be copied to create a flower shape that can then also be repeated. The original flower shape is going to be printed on the back of a poncho and the row/repeats of the flower will be going down the leg of a pant.
So, here some designs and ideas I created for the snakes and flower shapes:
This last design is one of the more finalised ideas at the moment.
I had lots of fun looking at snake patterns, colours and shapes and there were some great resources from books that I got from the library. But I also designed wild fantasy patterns that were really fun to create as well. I got inspired by lace and other patterns, but Kylee got quite interested in the “zebra” style rifts on one of the designs I created.
Let’s see where it all goes!